
package rts

Linear Supertypes
  1. Alphabetic
  2. By Inheritance
  1. rts
  2. AnyRef
  3. Any
  1. Hide All
  2. Show All
  1. Public
  2. All

Type Members

  1. trait AppEnvironment extends Blocking with Clock with Logging with Random with System
  2. type AppRuntime = Runtime[AppEnvironment]
  3. abstract class EffectBinding extends AbstractModule with ScalaModule

    I don't like the interface this supports.

    I don't like the interface this supports. Would prefer one like

    effectBindings { bind[Mem.Provider].to[SomeProvider] }

    instead of

    new EffectBinding { override def configure(): Unit = { ??? } }

  4. final case class GuiceInjector(modules: Seq[EffectBinding]) extends Injector with Product with Serializable
  5. trait Injector extends AnyRef

    Essential interface required for DI.

    Essential interface required for DI. import injector._ for an instance[T]. Syntaxes that use Injector will also implement this trait.

    *Injection interface equivalent to requiring an instance for that exact type.

    Named injections are not considered at all. Optional injections are untested but should work.

  6. class InjectorExt extends Extension
  7. trait Logging extends AnyRef
  8. trait ServerConfig extends AnyRef
  9. trait ServerEnvironment extends Blocking with Clock with Logging with Random with System with ServerConfig with ServerInjector
  10. trait ServerInjector extends AnyRef
  11. type ServerRuntime = Runtime[ServerEnvironment]
  12. sealed trait ZIORuntimeBinder extends AnyRef
  13. class ZIORuntimeExt extends Extension
  14. class ZIOSharedExecutorConfigurator extends ExecutorServiceConfigurator

Inherited from AnyRef

Inherited from Any
