
package node

Linear Supertypes
  1. Alphabetic
  2. By Inheritance
  1. node
  2. AnyRef
  3. Any
  1. Hide All
  2. Show All
  1. Public
  2. All

Type Members

  1. class ActiveHosts extends prelude.DirectLogging
  2. final class DownRemovedHosts extends AnyRef

    Once the node is associated with a cluster: If a host is removed from active hosts then down any member with that address after a bit.

    Once the node is associated with a cluster: If a host is removed from active hosts then down any member with that address after a bit.

    Downing a member will only be requested if the member is in the current cluster state snapshot.

  3. sealed trait Error extends AnyRef
  4. final case class InferredEnv(isKubernetes: Boolean) extends Product with Serializable
  5. class KubernetesActiveHostsProvider extends Provider
  6. type NodeName = String
  7. class StandaloneBindings extends EffectBinding
  8. sealed trait TermReason extends AnyRef

    Reason node terminated.

Value Members

  1. object ActiveHosts
  2. object ActiveHostsProxy
  3. object ClusteredEffectBinding extends EffectBinding
  4. object DownRemovedHosts
  5. object Error
  6. object GroupDescEntity extends ServiceEntity
  7. object HealthCheck extends ReservedService with ServiceActorRouting
  8. object InferredEnv extends Serializable
  9. object InitManagement extends prelude.DirectLogging

    Monitors dependencies necessary to fully initialize a server node.

    Monitors dependencies necessary to fully initialize a server node. If all dependencies do not confirm readiness by Config.initTimeout then node is shutdown with a failure status.

  10. object NodeInstance
  11. object SelfUpProbe
  12. object ServiceInstanceEntity extends ServiceEntity
  13. object StandaloneBindings
  14. object TermReason

    Reason node terminated.

Inherited from AnyRef

Inherited from Any
