
package app

Linear Supertypes
  1. Grouped
  2. Alphabetic
  3. By Inheritance
  1. app
  2. AnyRef
  3. Any
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  1. Public
  2. All

Type Members

  1. type App[+A] = ZIO[Environment, Error, A]

  2. type AppIO[+E, +A] = ZIO[Environment, E, A]

  3. type AppTask[+A] = ZIO[Environment, Throwable, A]

  4. type AppUIO[+A] = ZIO[Environment, Nothing, A]

  5. final case class DynamicConfigOptions(port: Option[Int], disableOps: Boolean = false) extends Product with Serializable

    Command line arguments for all actions of a DynamicConfigApp application.

    Command line arguments for all actions of a DynamicConfigApp application.

    @AppName( "glngn server" ) @AppVersion( "0.1.0" ) @ProgName( "glngn-server" )
  6. sealed abstract class Error extends Throwable

    Top level application error and failures.

    Top level application error and failures. Extends throwable for ease of translation with tasks. Optional cause is encoded as default null as that is consistent with Throwable.

  7. abstract class FixedDomainApp[AppParams] extends ServerApp[AppParams]

    A glngn server application with a fixed deployment name and top level domain.

    A glngn server application with a fixed deployment name and top level domain. Simplifies building a server application that includes only a specific set of services bundled with the server jar. Also enables adding domain specific parameters to the application.

  8. abstract class ServerApp[AppParams] extends prelude.IOLogging

    A ZIO application hosting at least one server node.

    A ZIO application hosting at least one server node.

    Start with DynamicConfigApp then FixedDomainApp.

  9. abstract class StandaloneSystem extends Client

    The first node currently cannot be stopped before system shutdown request.

    The first node currently cannot be stopped before system shutdown request. (#169, #114)

  10. sealed trait TermReason extends AnyRef

    Reason application is terminating.

    Reason application is terminating. In clustered mode this is always the termination reason of the node.

Value Members

  1. object DynamicConfigApp extends ServerApp[DynamicConfigOptions]

    A server with dynamic configuration.

    A server with dynamic configuration. This is the default main and a good place to start extending for a new domain.

    This provides a base config of:

    • initial state defined by configuration file or command line arguments
    • all service fragments under are enabled
    • operations interfaces for all instantiated services
    • ad-hoc definition of singleton services and operations by operators
    • TODO: dynamic loading of service fragment jars built using the SDK (of this jar)
  2. object Error extends Serializable

  3. object ExitCodes extends prelude.IOLogging

    Only the exit code 0 indicates success.

    Only the exit code 0 indicates success. All other exit codes imply the application behaved differently than expected. The host system should consider the exact exit code to determine best course of action.

    An exit code > 50 indicates an error in the implementation. Contact

  4. object ServerApp extends prelude.IOLogging

    A ZIO application containing a server host.

    A ZIO application containing a server host.

    Start with DynamicConfigApp and those options. Or apply FixedDomainApp to compile in customizations.

  5. object StandaloneSystem extends prelude.IOLogging
  6. object TermReason

    Reason application is terminating.

    Reason application is terminating. In clustered mode this is always the termination reason of the node.

Inherited from AnyRef

Inherited from Any


Service Logic

Implementation Detail
