
package webgl

Linear Supertypes
AnyRef, Any
  1. Alphabetic
  2. By Inheritance
  1. webgl
  2. AnyRef
  3. Any
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  1. Public
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Type Members

  1. abstract class WebGLExtensionIdentifier[T] extends AnyRef

    Abstract class that maps a string enum onto a WebGL extension type

    Abstract class that maps a string enum onto a WebGL extension type


    the type that will be returned by the getExtension

  2. implicit final class WebGLRenderingContextOps extends AnyVal

Value Members

  1. object ANGLE_instanced_arrays extends WebGLExtensionIdentifier[ANGLEInstancedArrays]

    Enables array instancing (Khronos Extension)

    Enables array instancing (Khronos Extension)

    See also

  2. object EXT_blend_minmax extends WebGLExtensionIdentifier[EXTBlendMinmax]

    Extends blendEquation to support MIN_EXT and MAX_EXT.

    Extends blendEquation to support MIN_EXT and MAX_EXT. (Khronos Extension)

    See also

  3. object EXT_color_buffer_half_float extends WebGLExtensionIdentifier[EXTColorBufferHalfFloat]

    Enables 16-bit float colour buffer support.

    Enables 16-bit float colour buffer support. (Community Extension)

    See also

  4. object EXT_disjoint_timer_query extends WebGLExtensionIdentifier[EXTDisjointTimerQuery]

    Provides timing support to enable profiling of GL calls.

    Provides timing support to enable profiling of GL calls. (Community Extension)

    See also

  5. object EXT_frag_depth extends WebGLExtensionIdentifier[EXTFragDepth]

    Extends GLSL to support assigning the fragments depth via gl_FragDepthEXT.

    Extends GLSL to support assigning the fragments depth via gl_FragDepthEXT. (Khronos Extension)

    See also

  6. object EXT_sRGB extends WebGLExtensionIdentifier[EXTsRGB]

    Enables nonlinear sRGB blending over framebuffers.

    Enables nonlinear sRGB blending over framebuffers. (Community Extension)

    See also

  7. object EXT_shader_texture_lod extends WebGLExtensionIdentifier[EXTShaderTextureLOD]

    Provides fragment shaders with explicit LOD control for texture reads.

    Provides fragment shaders with explicit LOD control for texture reads. (Khronos Extension)

    See also

  8. object EXT_texture_filter_anisotropic extends WebGLExtensionIdentifier[EXTTextureFilterAnisotropic]

    Adds anisotropic texture filtering support.

    Adds anisotropic texture filtering support. (Khronos Extension)

    See also

  9. object OES_element_index_uint extends WebGLExtensionIdentifier[OESElementIndexUint]

    Extends drawElements to support the type UNSIGNED_INT.

    Extends drawElements to support the type UNSIGNED_INT. (Khronos Extension)

    See also

  10. object OES_standard_derivatives extends WebGLExtensionIdentifier[OESStandardDerivatives]

    Provides additional first derivative information in fragment shaders.

    Provides additional first derivative information in fragment shaders. (Khronos Extension)

    See also

  11. object OES_texture_float extends WebGLExtensionIdentifier[OESTextureFloat]

    Provides 32-bit floating point texture support.

    Provides 32-bit floating point texture support. (Khronos Extension)

    See also

  12. object OES_texture_float_linear extends WebGLExtensionIdentifier[OESTextureFloatLinear]

    Extends OES_texture_float to support linear and mipmap minification filters.

    Extends OES_texture_float to support linear and mipmap minification filters. (Khronos Extension)

    See also

  13. object OES_texture_half_float extends WebGLExtensionIdentifier[OESTextureHalfFloat]

    Provides 16-bit floating point texture support.

    Provides 16-bit floating point texture support. (Khronos Extension)

    See also

  14. object OES_texture_half_float_linear extends WebGLExtensionIdentifier[OESTextureHalfFloatLinear]

    Extends OES_texture_half_float to support linear and mipmap minification filters.

    Extends OES_texture_half_float to support linear and mipmap minification filters. (Khronos Extension)

    See also

  15. object OES_vertex_array_object extends WebGLExtensionIdentifier[OESVertexArrayObject]

    Provides Vertex Array Objects (VAOs).

    Provides Vertex Array Objects (VAOs). (Khronos Extension)

    See also

  16. object WEBGL_color_buffer_float extends WebGLExtensionIdentifier[WEBGLColorBufferFloat]

    Enables 32-bit float colour buffer support.

    Enables 32-bit float colour buffer support. (Community Extension)

    See also

  17. object WEBGL_compressed_texture_atc extends WebGLExtensionIdentifier[WebGLCompressedTextureATC]

    Provides ATC texture compression support.

    Provides ATC texture compression support. (Community Extension)

    See also

  18. object WEBGL_compressed_texture_etc1 extends WebGLExtensionIdentifier[WEBGLCompressedTextureETC1]

    Provides ETC1 texture compression support.

    Provides ETC1 texture compression support. (Community Extension)

    See also

  19. object WEBGL_compressed_texture_pvrtc extends WebGLExtensionIdentifier[WebGLCompressedTexturePVRTC]

    Provides PVRTC texture compression support.

    Provides PVRTC texture compression support. (Community Extension)

    See also

  20. object WEBGL_compressed_texture_s3tc extends WebGLExtensionIdentifier[WebGLCompressedTextureS3TC]

    Provides S3TC texture compression support.

    Provides S3TC texture compression support. (Khronos Extension)

    See also

  21. object WEBGL_debug_renderer_info extends WebGLExtensionIdentifier[WebGLDebugRendererInfo]

    Provides additional driver and renderer information.

    Provides additional driver and renderer information. (Khronos Extension)

    See also

  22. object WEBGL_debug_shaders extends WebGLExtensionIdentifier[WebGLDebugShaders]

    Inspect the transpilation output of GLSL onto the underlying shader language.

    Inspect the transpilation output of GLSL onto the underlying shader language. (Khronos Extension)

    See also

  23. object WEBGL_depth_texture extends WebGLExtensionIdentifier[WebGLDepthTexture]

    Provides depth and stencil texture support.

    Provides depth and stencil texture support. (Khronos Extension)

    See also

  24. object WEBGL_draw_buffers extends WebGLExtensionIdentifier[WEBGLDrawBuffers]

    Enables multiple draw buffer support.

    Enables multiple draw buffer support. (Khronos Extension)

    See also

  25. object WEBGL_lose_context extends WebGLExtensionIdentifier[WebGLLoseContext]

    Allows simulation of losing the WebGL context to aid debugging.

    Allows simulation of losing the WebGL context to aid debugging. (Khronos Extension)

    See also

Inherited from AnyRef

Inherited from Any
