Interface ConnPool<T,E>

Type Parameters:
T - the route type that represents the opposite endpoint of a pooled connection.
E - the type of the pool entry containing a pooled connection.
All Known Implementing Classes:
AbstractConnPool, BasicConnPool

public interface ConnPool<T,E>

ConnPool represents a shared pool connections can be leased from and released back to.


Method Summary
 Future<E> lease(T route, Object state, FutureCallback<E> callback)
          Attempts to lease a connection for the given route and with the given state from the pool.
 void release(E entry, boolean reusable)
          Releases the pool entry back to the pool.

Method Detail


Future<E> lease(T route,
                Object state,
                FutureCallback<E> callback)
Attempts to lease a connection for the given route and with the given state from the pool.

route - route of the connection.
state - arbitrary object that represents a particular state (usually a security principal or a unique token identifying the user whose credentials have been used while establishing the connection). May be null.
callback - operation completion callback.
future for a leased pool entry.


void release(E entry,
             boolean reusable)
Releases the pool entry back to the pool.

entry - pool entry leased from the pool
reusable - flag indicating whether or not the released connection is in a consistent state and is safe for further use.

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