Class BasicHeaderValueFormatter

  extended by org.apache.http.message.BasicHeaderValueFormatter
All Implemented Interfaces:

public class BasicHeaderValueFormatter
extends Object
implements HeaderValueFormatter

Basic implementation for formatting header value elements. Instances of this class are stateless and thread-safe. Derived classes are expected to maintain these properties.


Field Summary
static BasicHeaderValueFormatter DEFAULT
          Deprecated. (4.3) use INSTANCE
static BasicHeaderValueFormatter INSTANCE
static String SEPARATORS
          Special characters that can be used as separators in HTTP parameters.
static String UNSAFE_CHARS
          Unsafe special characters that must be escaped using the backslash character
Constructor Summary
Method Summary
protected  void doFormatValue(CharArrayBuffer buffer, String value, boolean quote)
          Actually formats the value of a name-value pair.
protected  int estimateElementsLen(HeaderElement[] elems)
          Estimates the length of formatted header elements.
protected  int estimateHeaderElementLen(HeaderElement elem)
          Estimates the length of a formatted header element.
protected  int estimateNameValuePairLen(NameValuePair nvp)
          Estimates the length of a formatted name-value pair.
protected  int estimateParametersLen(NameValuePair[] nvps)
          Estimates the length of formatted parameters.
 CharArrayBuffer formatElements(CharArrayBuffer charBuffer, HeaderElement[] elems, boolean quote)
          Formats an array of header elements.
static String formatElements(HeaderElement[] elems, boolean quote, HeaderValueFormatter formatter)
          Formats an array of header elements.
 CharArrayBuffer formatHeaderElement(CharArrayBuffer charBuffer, HeaderElement elem, boolean quote)
          Formats one header element.
static String formatHeaderElement(HeaderElement elem, boolean quote, HeaderValueFormatter formatter)
          Formats a header element.
 CharArrayBuffer formatNameValuePair(CharArrayBuffer charBuffer, NameValuePair nvp, boolean quote)
          Formats one name-value pair, where the value is optional.
static String formatNameValuePair(NameValuePair nvp, boolean quote, HeaderValueFormatter formatter)
          Formats a name-value pair.
 CharArrayBuffer formatParameters(CharArrayBuffer charBuffer, NameValuePair[] nvps, boolean quote)
          Formats the parameters of a header element.
static String formatParameters(NameValuePair[] nvps, boolean quote, HeaderValueFormatter formatter)
          Formats a set of parameters.
protected  boolean isSeparator(char ch)
          Checks whether a character is a separator.
protected  boolean isUnsafe(char ch)
          Checks whether a character is unsafe.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


public static final BasicHeaderValueFormatter DEFAULT
Deprecated. (4.3) use INSTANCE
A default instance of this class, for use as default or fallback. Note that BasicHeaderValueFormatter is not a singleton, there can be many instances of the class itself and of derived classes. The instance here provides non-customized, default behavior.


public static final BasicHeaderValueFormatter INSTANCE


public static final String SEPARATORS
Special characters that can be used as separators in HTTP parameters. These special characters MUST be in a quoted string to be used within a parameter value .

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final String UNSAFE_CHARS
Unsafe special characters that must be escaped using the backslash character

See Also:
Constant Field Values
Constructor Detail


public BasicHeaderValueFormatter()
Method Detail


public static String formatElements(HeaderElement[] elems,
                                    boolean quote,
                                    HeaderValueFormatter formatter)
Formats an array of header elements.

elems - the header elements to format
quote - true to always format with quoted values, false to use quotes only when necessary
formatter - the formatter to use, or null for the default
the formatted header elements


public CharArrayBuffer formatElements(CharArrayBuffer charBuffer,
                                      HeaderElement[] elems,
                                      boolean quote)
Description copied from interface: HeaderValueFormatter
Formats an array of header elements.

Specified by:
formatElements in interface HeaderValueFormatter
charBuffer - the buffer to append to, or null to create a new buffer
elems - the header elements to format
quote - true to always format with quoted values, false to use quotes only when necessary
a buffer with the formatted header elements. If the buffer argument was not null, that buffer will be used and returned.


protected int estimateElementsLen(HeaderElement[] elems)
Estimates the length of formatted header elements.

elems - the header elements to format, or null
a length estimate, in number of characters


public static String formatHeaderElement(HeaderElement elem,
                                         boolean quote,
                                         HeaderValueFormatter formatter)
Formats a header element.

elem - the header element to format
quote - true to always format with quoted values, false to use quotes only when necessary
formatter - the formatter to use, or null for the default
the formatted header element


public CharArrayBuffer formatHeaderElement(CharArrayBuffer charBuffer,
                                           HeaderElement elem,
                                           boolean quote)
Description copied from interface: HeaderValueFormatter
Formats one header element.

Specified by:
formatHeaderElement in interface HeaderValueFormatter
charBuffer - the buffer to append to, or null to create a new buffer
elem - the header element to format
quote - true to always format with quoted values, false to use quotes only when necessary
a buffer with the formatted header element. If the buffer argument was not null, that buffer will be used and returned.


protected int estimateHeaderElementLen(HeaderElement elem)
Estimates the length of a formatted header element.

elem - the header element to format, or null
a length estimate, in number of characters


public static String formatParameters(NameValuePair[] nvps,
                                      boolean quote,
                                      HeaderValueFormatter formatter)
Formats a set of parameters.

nvps - the parameters to format
quote - true to always format with quoted values, false to use quotes only when necessary
formatter - the formatter to use, or null for the default
the formatted parameters


public CharArrayBuffer formatParameters(CharArrayBuffer charBuffer,
                                        NameValuePair[] nvps,
                                        boolean quote)
Description copied from interface: HeaderValueFormatter
Formats the parameters of a header element. That's a list of name-value pairs, to be separated by semicolons. This method will not generate a leading semicolon.

Specified by:
formatParameters in interface HeaderValueFormatter
charBuffer - the buffer to append to, or null to create a new buffer
nvps - the parameters (name-value pairs) to format
quote - true to always format with quoted values, false to use quotes only when necessary
a buffer with the formatted parameters. If the buffer argument was not null, that buffer will be used and returned.


protected int estimateParametersLen(NameValuePair[] nvps)
Estimates the length of formatted parameters.

nvps - the parameters to format, or null
a length estimate, in number of characters


public static String formatNameValuePair(NameValuePair nvp,
                                         boolean quote,
                                         HeaderValueFormatter formatter)
Formats a name-value pair.

nvp - the name-value pair to format
quote - true to always format with a quoted value, false to use quotes only when necessary
formatter - the formatter to use, or null for the default
the formatted name-value pair


public CharArrayBuffer formatNameValuePair(CharArrayBuffer charBuffer,
                                           NameValuePair nvp,
                                           boolean quote)
Description copied from interface: HeaderValueFormatter
Formats one name-value pair, where the value is optional.

Specified by:
formatNameValuePair in interface HeaderValueFormatter
charBuffer - the buffer to append to, or null to create a new buffer
nvp - the name-value pair to format
quote - true to always format with a quoted value, false to use quotes only when necessary
a buffer with the formatted name-value pair. If the buffer argument was not null, that buffer will be used and returned.


protected int estimateNameValuePairLen(NameValuePair nvp)
Estimates the length of a formatted name-value pair.

nvp - the name-value pair to format, or null
a length estimate, in number of characters


protected void doFormatValue(CharArrayBuffer buffer,
                             String value,
                             boolean quote)
Actually formats the value of a name-value pair. This does not include a leading = character. Called from formatNameValuePair.

buffer - the buffer to append to, never null
value - the value to append, never null
quote - true to always format with quotes, false to use quotes only when necessary


protected boolean isSeparator(char ch)
Checks whether a character is a separator.

ch - the character to check
true if the character is a separator, false otherwise


protected boolean isUnsafe(char ch)
Checks whether a character is unsafe.

ch - the character to check
true if the character is unsafe, false otherwise

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