Uses of Class

Packages that use RouteSpecificPool
org.apache.http.impl.conn.tsccm Deprecated. 

Uses of RouteSpecificPool in org.apache.http.impl.conn.tsccm

Fields in org.apache.http.impl.conn.tsccm with type parameters of type RouteSpecificPool
protected  Map<HttpRoute,RouteSpecificPool> ConnPoolByRoute.routeToPool
          Deprecated. Map of route-specific pools

Methods in org.apache.http.impl.conn.tsccm that return RouteSpecificPool
 RouteSpecificPool WaitingThread.getPool()
          Deprecated. Obtains the pool, if there is one.
protected  RouteSpecificPool ConnPoolByRoute.getRoutePool(HttpRoute route, boolean create)
          Deprecated. Get a route-specific pool of available connections.
protected  RouteSpecificPool ConnPoolByRoute.newRouteSpecificPool(HttpRoute route)
          Deprecated. Creates a new route-specific pool.

Methods in org.apache.http.impl.conn.tsccm that return types with arguments of type RouteSpecificPool
protected  Map<HttpRoute,RouteSpecificPool> ConnPoolByRoute.createRouteToPoolMap()
          Deprecated. Creates the map for ConnPoolByRoute.routeToPool.

Methods in org.apache.http.impl.conn.tsccm with parameters of type RouteSpecificPool
protected  BasicPoolEntry ConnPoolByRoute.createEntry(RouteSpecificPool rospl, ClientConnectionOperator op)
          Deprecated. Creates a new pool entry.
protected  BasicPoolEntry ConnPoolByRoute.getFreeEntry(RouteSpecificPool rospl, Object state)
          Deprecated. If available, get a free pool entry for a route.
protected  WaitingThread ConnPoolByRoute.newWaitingThread(Condition cond, RouteSpecificPool rospl)
          Deprecated. Creates a new waiting thread.
protected  void ConnPoolByRoute.notifyWaitingThread(RouteSpecificPool rospl)
          Deprecated. Notifies a waiting thread that a connection is available.

Constructors in org.apache.http.impl.conn.tsccm with parameters of type RouteSpecificPool
WaitingThread(Condition cond, RouteSpecificPool pool)
          Deprecated. Creates a new entry for a waiting thread.

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