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AbstractArgumentDelimiter() - Constructor for class jline.console.completer.ArgumentCompleter.AbstractArgumentDelimiter
accept() - Method in class jline.console.ConsoleReader
The equivalent of hitting <RET>.
add(CharSequence) - Method in interface jline.console.history.History
add(CharSequence) - Method in class jline.console.history.MemoryHistory
add(String) - Method in class jline.console.KillRing
Adds the string to the kill-ring.
add(T) - Static method in class jline.internal.ShutdownHooks
addBackwards(String) - Method in class jline.console.KillRing
Adds the string to the kill-ring product of killing backwards.
addCompleter(Completer) - Method in class jline.console.ConsoleReader
Add the specified Completer to the list of handlers for tab-completion.
addTriggeredAction(char, ActionListener) - Method in class jline.console.ConsoleReader
Adding a triggered Action allows to give another curse of action if a character passed the pre-processing.
AggregateCompleter - Class in jline.console.completer
Completer which contains multiple completers and aggregates them together.
AggregateCompleter() - Constructor for class jline.console.completer.AggregateCompleter
AggregateCompleter(Collection<Completer>) - Constructor for class jline.console.completer.AggregateCompleter
Construct an AggregateCompleter with the given collection of completers.
AggregateCompleter(Completer...) - Constructor for class jline.console.completer.AggregateCompleter
Construct an AggregateCompleter with the given completers.
Ansi - Class in jline.internal
Ansi support.
Ansi() - Constructor for class jline.internal.Ansi
ANSI - Static variable in class jline.WindowsTerminal
AnsiStringsCompleter - Class in jline.console.completer
Completer for a set of strings.
AnsiStringsCompleter() - Constructor for class jline.console.completer.AnsiStringsCompleter
AnsiStringsCompleter(Collection<String>) - Constructor for class jline.console.completer.AnsiStringsCompleter
AnsiStringsCompleter(String...) - Constructor for class jline.console.completer.AnsiStringsCompleter
AnsiWindowsTerminal - Class in jline
ANSI-supported WindowsTerminal.
AnsiWindowsTerminal() - Constructor for class jline.AnsiWindowsTerminal
ArgumentCompleter - Class in jline.console.completer
A Completer implementation that invokes a child completer using the appropriate separator argument.
ArgumentCompleter(ArgumentCompleter.ArgumentDelimiter, Collection<Completer>) - Constructor for class jline.console.completer.ArgumentCompleter
Create a new completer with the specified argument delimiter.
ArgumentCompleter(ArgumentCompleter.ArgumentDelimiter, Completer...) - Constructor for class jline.console.completer.ArgumentCompleter
Create a new completer with the specified argument delimiter.
ArgumentCompleter(Completer...) - Constructor for class jline.console.completer.ArgumentCompleter
Create a new completer with the default ArgumentCompleter.WhitespaceArgumentDelimiter.
ArgumentCompleter(List<Completer>) - Constructor for class jline.console.completer.ArgumentCompleter
Create a new completer with the default ArgumentCompleter.WhitespaceArgumentDelimiter.
ArgumentCompleter.AbstractArgumentDelimiter - Class in jline.console.completer
Abstract implementation of a delimiter that uses the ArgumentCompleter.AbstractArgumentDelimiter.isDelimiter(java.lang.CharSequence, int) method to determine if a particular character should be used as a delimiter.
ArgumentCompleter.ArgumentDelimiter - Interface in jline.console.completer
The ArgumentCompleter.ArgumentDelimiter allows custom breaking up of a String into individual arguments in order to dispatch the arguments to the nested Completer.
ArgumentCompleter.ArgumentList - Class in jline.console.completer
The result of a delimited buffer.
ArgumentCompleter.WhitespaceArgumentDelimiter - Class in jline.console.completer
ArgumentCompleter.ArgumentDelimiter implementation that counts all whitespace (as reported by Character.isWhitespace(char)) as being a delimiter.
ArgumentList(String[], int, int, int) - Constructor for class jline.console.completer.ArgumentCompleter.ArgumentList
AUTO - Static variable in class jline.TerminalFactory


back(int) - Method in class jline.console.ConsoleReader
Move the visual cursor backward without modifying the buffer cursor.
BACKSPACE - Static variable in class jline.console.ConsoleReader
backspace() - Method in class jline.console.ConsoleReader
Issue a backspace.
beep() - Method in class jline.console.ConsoleReader
Issue an audible keyboard bell.
bind(CharSequence, Object) - Method in class jline.console.KeyMap
bindIfNotBound(CharSequence, Object) - Method in class jline.console.KeyMap
buffer - Variable in class jline.console.CursorBuffer


CandidateListCompletionHandler - Class in jline.console.completer
A CompletionHandler that deals with multiple distinct completions by outputting the complete list of possibilities to the console.
CandidateListCompletionHandler() - Constructor for class jline.console.completer.CandidateListCompletionHandler
checkNotNull(T) - Static method in class jline.internal.Preconditions
clear() - Method in class jline.console.CursorBuffer
clear() - Method in interface jline.console.history.History
clear() - Method in class jline.console.history.MemoryHistory
clearScreen() - Method in class jline.console.ConsoleReader
Clear the screen by issuing the ANSI "clear screen" code.
close() - Method in class jline.console.ConsoleReader
Shuts the console reader down.
close() - Method in class jline.internal.InputStreamReader
Closes this reader.
close() - Method in class jline.internal.NonBlockingInputStream
code - Variable in enum jline.WindowsTerminal.ConsoleMode
complete(String, int, List<CharSequence>) - Method in class jline.console.completer.AggregateCompleter
Perform a completion operation across all aggregated completers.
complete(String, int, List<CharSequence>) - Method in class jline.console.completer.AnsiStringsCompleter
complete(String, int, List<CharSequence>) - Method in class jline.console.completer.ArgumentCompleter
complete(ConsoleReader, List<CharSequence>, int) - Method in class jline.console.completer.CandidateListCompletionHandler
complete(String, int, List<CharSequence>) - Method in interface jline.console.completer.Completer
Populates candidates with a list of possible completions for the buffer.
complete(ConsoleReader, List<CharSequence>, int) - Method in interface jline.console.completer.CompletionHandler
complete(String, int, List<CharSequence>) - Method in class jline.console.completer.FileNameCompleter
complete(String, int, List<CharSequence>) - Method in class jline.console.completer.NullCompleter
complete(String, int, List<CharSequence>) - Method in class jline.console.completer.StringsCompleter
complete() - Method in class jline.console.ConsoleReader
Use the completers to modify the buffer with the appropriate completions.
Completer - Interface in jline.console.completer
A completer is the mechanism by which tab-completion candidates will be resolved.
CompletionHandler - Interface in jline.console.completer
Handler for dealing with candidates for tab-completion.
Configuration - Class in jline.internal
Provides access to configuration values.
Configuration() - Constructor for class jline.internal.Configuration
configure(String) - Static method in class jline.TerminalFactory
configure(TerminalFactory.Type) - Static method in class jline.TerminalFactory
ConsoleKeys - Class in jline.console
ConsoleKeys(String, URL) - Constructor for class jline.console.ConsoleKeys
ConsoleReader - Class in jline.console
A reader for console applications.
ConsoleReader() - Constructor for class jline.console.ConsoleReader
ConsoleReader(InputStream, OutputStream) - Constructor for class jline.console.ConsoleReader
ConsoleReader(InputStream, OutputStream, Terminal) - Constructor for class jline.console.ConsoleReader
ConsoleReader(String, InputStream, OutputStream, Terminal) - Constructor for class jline.console.ConsoleReader
ConsoleReader(String, InputStream, OutputStream, Terminal, String) - Constructor for class jline.console.ConsoleReader
ConsoleRunner - Class in jline.console.internal
A pass-through application that sets the system input stream to a ConsoleReader and invokes the specified main method.
ConsoleRunner() - Constructor for class jline.console.internal.ConsoleRunner
copy() - Method in class jline.console.CursorBuffer
create(String) - Static method in class jline.internal.Urls
create(File) - Static method in class jline.internal.Urls
create() - Static method in class jline.TerminalFactory
create(String) - Static method in class jline.TerminalFactory
CTRL_CB - Static variable in class jline.console.KeyMap
CTRL_D - Static variable in class jline.console.KeyMap
CTRL_G - Static variable in class jline.console.KeyMap
CTRL_H - Static variable in class jline.console.KeyMap
CTRL_I - Static variable in class jline.console.KeyMap
CTRL_J - Static variable in class jline.console.KeyMap
CTRL_M - Static variable in class jline.console.KeyMap
CTRL_OB - Static variable in class jline.console.KeyMap
CTRL_R - Static variable in class jline.console.KeyMap
CTRL_S - Static variable in class jline.console.KeyMap
CTRL_U - Static variable in class jline.console.KeyMap
CTRL_X - Static variable in class jline.console.KeyMap
CTRL_Y - Static variable in class jline.console.KeyMap
current() - Method in class jline.console.CursorBuffer
current() - Method in interface jline.console.history.History
current() - Method in class jline.console.history.MemoryHistory
Return the content of the current buffer.
Curses - Class in jline.internal
Curses helper methods.
Curses() - Constructor for class jline.internal.Curses
cursor - Variable in class jline.console.CursorBuffer
CursorBuffer - Class in jline.console
A holder for a StringBuilder that also contains the current cursor position.
CursorBuffer() - Constructor for class jline.console.CursorBuffer


DEBUG - Static variable in class jline.internal.Log
debug(Object...) - Static method in class jline.internal.Log
DEFAULT_HEIGHT - Static variable in class jline.TerminalSupport
DEFAULT_INPUT_RC - Static variable in class jline.console.ConsoleReader
DEFAULT_MAX_SIZE - Static variable in class jline.console.history.MemoryHistory
DEFAULT_SH - Static variable in class jline.internal.TerminalLineSettings
DEFAULT_STTY - Static variable in class jline.internal.TerminalLineSettings
DEFAULT_TTY - Static variable in class jline.internal.TerminalLineSettings
DEFAULT_WIDTH - Static variable in class jline.TerminalSupport
DefaultTerminal2 - Class in jline
Terminal wrapper with default ansi capabilities
DefaultTerminal2(Terminal) - Constructor for class jline.DefaultTerminal2
delete() - Method in class jline.console.ConsoleReader
Issue a delete.
DELETE - Static variable in class jline.console.KeyMap
delimit(CharSequence, int) - Method in class jline.console.completer.ArgumentCompleter.AbstractArgumentDelimiter
delimit(CharSequence, int) - Method in interface jline.console.completer.ArgumentCompleter.ArgumentDelimiter
Break the specified buffer into individual tokens that can be completed on their own.
DIRECT_CONSOLE - Static variable in class jline.WindowsTerminal
disableInterruptCharacter() - Method in class jline.DefaultTerminal2
disableInterruptCharacter() - Method in interface jline.Terminal
disableInterruptCharacter() - Method in class jline.TerminalSupport
disableInterruptCharacter() - Method in class jline.UnixTerminal
disableInterruptCharacter() - Method in class jline.WindowsTerminal
disableLitteralNextCharacter() - Method in class jline.UnixTerminal
drawLine() - Method in class jline.console.ConsoleReader
Output put the prompt + the current buffer


EMACS - Static variable in class jline.console.KeyMap
emacs() - Static method in class jline.console.KeyMap
EMACS_CTLX - Static variable in class jline.console.KeyMap
EMACS_META - Static variable in class jline.console.KeyMap
EMACS_STANDARD - Static variable in class jline.console.KeyMap
emacsCtrlX() - Static method in class jline.console.KeyMap
emacsMeta() - Static method in class jline.console.KeyMap
enableInterruptCharacter() - Method in class jline.DefaultTerminal2
enableInterruptCharacter() - Method in interface jline.Terminal
enableInterruptCharacter() - Method in class jline.TerminalSupport
enableInterruptCharacter() - Method in class jline.UnixTerminal
enableInterruptCharacter() - Method in class jline.WindowsTerminal
enableLitteralNextCharacter() - Method in class jline.UnixTerminal
entries(int) - Method in interface jline.console.history.History
entries() - Method in interface jline.console.history.History
entries(int) - Method in class jline.console.history.MemoryHistory
entries() - Method in class jline.console.history.MemoryHistory
EnumCompleter - Class in jline.console.completer
Completer for Enum names.
EnumCompleter(Class<? extends Enum<?>>) - Constructor for class jline.console.completer.EnumCompleter
EnumCompleter(Class<? extends Enum<?>>, boolean) - Constructor for class jline.console.completer.EnumCompleter
error(Object...) - Static method in class jline.internal.Log
ESCAPE - Static variable in class jline.console.KeyMap
expandEvents(String) - Method in class jline.console.ConsoleReader
Expand event designator such as !!


FALSE - Static variable in class jline.TerminalFactory
FileHistory - Class in jline.console.history
History using a file for persistent backing.
FileHistory(File) - Constructor for class jline.console.history.FileHistory
Load a history file into memory, truncating to default max size.
FileHistory(File, boolean) - Constructor for class jline.console.history.FileHistory
Create a FileHistory, but only initialize if doInit is true.
FileNameCompleter - Class in jline.console.completer
A file name completer takes the buffer and issues a list of potential completions.
FileNameCompleter() - Constructor for class jline.console.completer.FileNameCompleter
finalize() - Method in class jline.console.ConsoleReader
Shuts down the ConsoleReader if the JVM attempts to clean it up.
flush() - Method in class jline.console.ConsoleReader
Flush the console output stream.
flush() - Method in class jline.console.history.FileHistory
flush() - Method in interface jline.console.history.PersistentHistory
Flush all items to persistent storage.
FREEBSD - Static variable in class jline.TerminalFactory
from(KeyMap) - Method in class jline.console.KeyMap


get(int) - Method in interface jline.console.history.History
get(int) - Method in class jline.console.history.MemoryHistory
get(String) - Method in class jline.internal.TerminalLineSettings
get(String) - Static method in class jline.TerminalFactory
get() - Static method in class jline.TerminalFactory
getAnotherKey() - Method in class jline.console.KeyMap
getAnsiCaps() - Static method in class jline.internal.InfoCmp
getArgumentPosition() - Method in class jline.console.completer.ArgumentCompleter.ArgumentList
getArguments() - Method in class jline.console.completer.ArgumentCompleter.ArgumentList
getAutoprintThreshold() - Method in class jline.console.ConsoleReader
getBellEnabled() - Method in class jline.console.ConsoleReader
Get whether the console bell is enabled
getBoolean(String) - Static method in class jline.internal.Configuration
getBoolean(String, boolean) - Static method in class jline.internal.Configuration
getBooleanCapability(String) - Method in class jline.DefaultTerminal2
getBooleanCapability(String) - Method in interface jline.Terminal2
getBooleanCapability(String) - Method in class jline.UnixTerminal
getBound(CharSequence) - Method in class jline.console.KeyMap
getBufferPosition() - Method in class jline.console.completer.ArgumentCompleter.ArgumentList
getCommentBegin() - Method in class jline.console.ConsoleReader
getCompleters() - Method in class jline.console.completer.AggregateCompleter
Retrieve the collection of completers currently being aggregated.
getCompleters() - Method in class jline.console.completer.ArgumentCompleter
getCompleters() - Method in class jline.console.ConsoleReader
Returns an unmodifiable list of all the completers.
getCompletionHandler() - Method in class jline.console.ConsoleReader
getConfig() - Method in class jline.internal.TerminalLineSettings
getCursorArgument() - Method in class jline.console.completer.ArgumentCompleter.ArgumentList
getCursorArgumentIndex() - Method in class jline.console.completer.ArgumentCompleter.ArgumentList
getCursorBuffer() - Method in class jline.console.ConsoleReader
getDelimiter() - Method in class jline.console.completer.ArgumentCompleter
getDirectConsole() - Method in class jline.WindowsTerminal
Whether or not to allow the use of the JNI console interaction.
getEchoCharacter() - Method in class jline.console.ConsoleReader
Returns the echo character.
getEncoding() - Static method in class jline.internal.Configuration
Get the default encoding.
getEncoding() - Method in class jline.internal.InputStreamReader
Returns the name of the encoding used to convert bytes into characters.
getEscapeChars() - Method in class jline.console.completer.ArgumentCompleter.AbstractArgumentDelimiter
getExpandEvents() - Method in class jline.console.ConsoleReader
getFile() - Method in class jline.console.history.FileHistory
getFileEncoding() - Static method in class jline.internal.Configuration
getFlavor(TerminalFactory.Flavor) - Static method in class jline.TerminalFactory
getFlavor(TerminalFactory.Flavor, String) - Static method in class jline.TerminalFactory
getHandleLitteralNext() - Method in class jline.console.ConsoleReader
Get wether literal next are handled by JLine.
getHandleUserInterrupt() - Method in class jline.console.ConsoleReader
Get whether user interrupt handling is enabled
getHeight() - Method in class jline.DefaultTerminal2
getHeight() - Method in interface jline.Terminal
getHeight() - Method in class jline.TerminalSupport
getHeight() - Method in class jline.UnixTerminal
Returns the value of stty rows>/tt> param.
getHeight() - Method in class jline.WindowsTerminal
getHistory() - Method in class jline.console.ConsoleReader
getInfoCmp(String) - Static method in class jline.internal.InfoCmp
getInput() - Method in class jline.console.ConsoleReader
getInputRc() - Static method in class jline.console.ConsoleReader
Retrieve the URL for the inputrc configuration file in effect.
getInteger(String, int) - Static method in class jline.internal.Configuration
getKeyMap() - Method in class jline.console.ConsoleReader
Returns the name of the current key mapping.
getKeyMaps() - Method in class jline.console.ConsoleKeys
getKeys() - Method in class jline.console.ConsoleKeys
getKeys() - Method in class jline.console.ConsoleReader
getLastBinding() - Method in class jline.console.ConsoleReader
getLineSeparator() - Static method in class jline.internal.Configuration
getLong(String, long) - Static method in class jline.internal.Configuration
getMaxSize() - Method in class jline.console.history.MemoryHistory
getName() - Method in class jline.console.KeyMap
getNames(String) - Static method in class jline.internal.InfoCmp
getNumericCapability(String) - Method in class jline.DefaultTerminal2
getNumericCapability(String) - Method in interface jline.Terminal2
getNumericCapability(String) - Method in class jline.UnixTerminal
getOsName() - Static method in class jline.internal.Configuration
getOutput() - Method in class jline.console.ConsoleReader
getOutput() - Static method in class jline.internal.Log
getOutputEncoding() - Method in class jline.DefaultTerminal2
getOutputEncoding() - Method in interface jline.Terminal
getOutputEncoding() - Method in class jline.TerminalSupport
getOutputEncoding() - Method in class jline.WindowsTerminal
getPartialLine() - Method in exception jline.console.UserInterruptException
getPrintSpaceAfterFullCompletion() - Method in class jline.console.completer.CandidateListCompletionHandler
getPrompt() - Method in class jline.console.ConsoleReader
getProperties() - Static method in class jline.internal.Configuration
getProperty(String) - Method in class jline.internal.TerminalLineSettings
Get the value of a stty property, including the management of a cache.
getProperty(String, String) - Static method in class jline.internal.TerminalLineSettings
getPropertyAsString(String) - Method in class jline.internal.TerminalLineSettings
getPropertyAsString(String, String) - Static method in class jline.internal.TerminalLineSettings
Parses a stty output (provided by stty -a) and return the value of a given property.
getQuoteChars() - Method in class jline.console.completer.ArgumentCompleter.AbstractArgumentDelimiter
getSettings(String) - Static method in class jline.internal.TerminalLineSettings
getSettings() - Method in class jline.UnixTerminal
getString(String, String) - Static method in class jline.internal.Configuration
getString(String) - Static method in class jline.internal.Configuration
getStringCapability(String) - Method in class jline.DefaultTerminal2
getStringCapability(String) - Method in interface jline.Terminal2
getStringCapability(String) - Method in class jline.UnixTerminal
getStrings() - Method in class jline.console.completer.AnsiStringsCompleter
getStrings() - Method in class jline.console.completer.StringsCompleter
getTerminal() - Method in class jline.console.ConsoleReader
getTtyDevice() - Method in class jline.internal.TerminalLineSettings
getUserDir() - Method in class jline.console.completer.FileNameCompleter
getUserHome() - Method in class jline.console.completer.FileNameCompleter
getUserHome() - Static method in class jline.internal.Configuration
getVariable(String) - Method in class jline.console.ConsoleKeys
Retrieves the value of a variable that was set in the .inputrc file during processing
getWidth() - Method in class jline.DefaultTerminal2
getWidth() - Method in interface jline.Terminal
getWidth() - Method in class jline.TerminalSupport
getWidth() - Method in class jline.UnixTerminal
Returns the value of stty columns param.
getWidth() - Method in class jline.WindowsTerminal


hasWeirdWrap() - Method in class jline.AnsiWindowsTerminal
hasWeirdWrap() - Method in class jline.DefaultTerminal2
hasWeirdWrap() - Method in interface jline.Terminal
For terminals that don't wrap when character is written in last column, only when the next character is written.
hasWeirdWrap() - Method in class jline.TerminalSupport
Defaults to true which was the behaviour before this method was added.
hasWeirdWrap() - Method in class jline.UnixTerminal
History - Interface in jline.console.history
Console history.
History.Entry - Interface in jline.console.history


index() - Method in interface jline.console.history.History.Entry
index() - Method in interface jline.console.history.History
index() - Method in class jline.console.history.MemoryHistory
info(Object...) - Static method in class jline.internal.Log
InfoCmp - Class in jline.internal
Infocmp helper methods.
InfoCmp() - Constructor for class jline.internal.InfoCmp
init() - Method in class jline.DefaultTerminal2
init() - Method in class jline.NoInterruptUnixTerminal
init() - Method in class jline.OSvTerminal
init() - Method in interface jline.Terminal
init() - Method in class jline.TerminalSupport
init() - Method in class jline.UnixTerminal
Remove line-buffered input by invoking "stty -icanon min 1" against the current terminal.
init() - Method in class jline.WindowsTerminal
INPUT_RC - Static variable in class jline.console.ConsoleReader
InputStreamReader - Class in jline.internal
A class for turning a byte stream into a character stream.
InputStreamReader(InputStream) - Constructor for class jline.internal.InputStreamReader
Constructs a new InputStreamReader on the InputStream in.
InputStreamReader(InputStream, String) - Constructor for class jline.internal.InputStreamReader
Constructs a new InputStreamReader on the InputStream in.
InputStreamReader(InputStream, CharsetDecoder) - Constructor for class jline.internal.InputStreamReader
Constructs a new InputStreamReader on the InputStream in and CharsetDecoder dec.
InputStreamReader(InputStream, Charset) - Constructor for class jline.internal.InputStreamReader
Constructs a new InputStreamReader on the InputStream in and Charset charset.
INSTANCE - Static variable in class jline.console.completer.NullCompleter
internalAdd(CharSequence) - Method in class jline.console.history.MemoryHistory
isAnsiSupported() - Method in class jline.AnsiWindowsTerminal
isAnsiSupported() - Method in class jline.DefaultTerminal2
isAnsiSupported() - Method in interface jline.Terminal
isAnsiSupported() - Method in class jline.TerminalSupport
isAutoTrim() - Method in class jline.console.history.MemoryHistory
isCopyPasteDetectionEnabled() - Method in class jline.console.ConsoleReader
isDelimiter(CharSequence, int) - Method in class jline.console.completer.ArgumentCompleter.AbstractArgumentDelimiter
Returns true if the specified character is a whitespace parameter.
isDelimiter(CharSequence, int) - Method in interface jline.console.completer.ArgumentCompleter.ArgumentDelimiter
Returns true if the specified character is a whitespace parameter.
isDelimiterChar(CharSequence, int) - Method in class jline.console.completer.ArgumentCompleter.AbstractArgumentDelimiter
Returns true if the character at the specified position if a delimiter.
isDelimiterChar(CharSequence, int) - Method in class jline.console.completer.ArgumentCompleter.WhitespaceArgumentDelimiter
The character is a delimiter if it is whitespace, and the preceding character is not an escape character.
isEchoEnabled() - Method in class jline.DefaultTerminal2
isEchoEnabled() - Method in interface jline.Terminal
isEchoEnabled() - Method in class jline.TerminalSupport
isEmpty() - Method in interface jline.console.history.History
isEmpty() - Method in class jline.console.history.MemoryHistory
isEscapeChar(CharSequence, int) - Method in class jline.console.completer.ArgumentCompleter.AbstractArgumentDelimiter
Check if this character is a valid escape char (i.e. one that has not been escaped)
isEscaped(CharSequence, int) - Method in class jline.console.completer.ArgumentCompleter.AbstractArgumentDelimiter
Check if a character is escaped (i.e. if the previous character is an escape)
isHistoryEnabled() - Method in class jline.console.ConsoleReader
Whether or not to add new commands to the history buffer.
isHpux() - Static method in class jline.internal.Configuration
isIgnoreDuplicates() - Method in class jline.console.history.MemoryHistory
isKeyMap(String) - Method in class jline.console.ConsoleReader
isMeta(char) - Static method in class jline.console.KeyMap
isNonBlockingEnabled() - Method in class jline.internal.NonBlockingInputStream
Non-blocking is considered enabled if the feature is enabled and the I/O thread has not been shut down.
isOverTyping() - Method in class jline.console.CursorBuffer
isPaginationEnabled() - Method in class jline.console.ConsoleReader
Whether to use pagination when the number of rows of candidates exceeds the height of the terminal.
isQuoteChar(CharSequence, int) - Method in class jline.console.completer.ArgumentCompleter.AbstractArgumentDelimiter
isQuoted(CharSequence, int) - Method in class jline.console.completer.ArgumentCompleter.AbstractArgumentDelimiter
isStrict() - Method in class jline.console.completer.ArgumentCompleter
Returns whether a completion at argument index N will success if all the completions from arguments 0-(N-1) also succeed.
isStripAnsi() - Method in class jline.console.completer.CandidateListCompletionHandler
isSupported() - Method in class jline.DefaultTerminal2
isSupported() - Method in interface jline.Terminal
isSupported() - Method in class jline.TerminalSupport
isSystemIn(InputStream) - Method in class jline.WindowsTerminal
isWindows() - Static method in class jline.internal.Configuration
iterator() - Method in interface jline.console.history.History
iterator() - Method in class jline.console.history.MemoryHistory


jline - package jline
JLine 2.
jline.console - package jline.console
Console support.
jline.console.completer - package jline.console.completer
Console completer support.
jline.console.history - package jline.console.history
Console history support.
jline.console.internal - package jline.console.internal
jline.internal - package jline.internal
Internal support.
JLINE_COMPLETION_THRESHOLD - Static variable in class jline.console.ConsoleReader
JLINE_CONFIGURATION - Static variable in class jline.internal.Configuration
System property which can point to a file or URL containing configuration properties to load.
JLINE_ESC_TIMEOUT - Static variable in class jline.console.ConsoleReader
JLINE_EXPAND_EVENTS - Static variable in class jline.console.ConsoleReader
JLINE_INPUTRC - Static variable in class jline.console.ConsoleReader
JLINE_NOBELL - Static variable in class jline.console.ConsoleReader
JLINE_RC - Static variable in class jline.internal.Configuration
Default configuration file name loaded from user's home directory.
JLINE_SH - Static variable in class jline.internal.TerminalLineSettings
JLINE_SHUTDOWNHOOK - Static variable in class jline.internal.ShutdownHooks
JLINE_STTY - Static variable in class jline.internal.TerminalLineSettings
JLINE_TERMINAL - Static variable in class jline.TerminalFactory


KEYBOARD_BELL - Static variable in class jline.console.ConsoleReader
KeyMap - Class in jline.console
The KeyMap class contains all bindings from keys to operations.
KeyMap(String) - Constructor for class jline.console.KeyMap
KeyMap(String, boolean) - Constructor for class jline.console.KeyMap
KeyMap(String, Object[]) - Constructor for class jline.console.KeyMap
keyMaps() - Static method in class jline.console.KeyMap
killLine() - Method in class jline.console.ConsoleReader
Kill the buffer ahead of the current cursor position.
KillRing - Class in jline.console
The kill ring class keeps killed text in a fixed size ring.
KillRing(int) - Constructor for class jline.console.KillRing
Creates a new kill ring of the given size.
KillRing() - Constructor for class jline.console.KillRing
Creates a new kill ring of the default size.


lastYank() - Method in class jline.console.KillRing
Returns true if the last command was a yank.
length() - Method in class jline.console.CursorBuffer
load() - Method in class jline.console.history.FileHistory
Load history from file, e.g. if using delayed init.
load(File) - Method in class jline.console.history.FileHistory
load(InputStream) - Method in class jline.console.history.FileHistory
load(Reader) - Method in class jline.console.history.FileHistory
loadKeys(String, URL) - Method in class jline.console.ConsoleKeys
Log - Class in jline.internal
Internal logger.
Log() - Constructor for class jline.internal.Log
Log.Level - Enum in jline.internal


main(String[]) - Static method in class jline.console.internal.ConsoleRunner
matchFiles(String, String, File[], List<CharSequence>) - Method in class jline.console.completer.FileNameCompleter
MemoryHistory - Class in jline.console.history
Non-persistent History.
MemoryHistory() - Constructor for class jline.console.history.MemoryHistory
meta(char) - Static method in class jline.console.KeyMap
moveCursor(int) - Method in class jline.console.ConsoleReader
Move the cursor where characters.
moveTo(int) - Method in interface jline.console.history.History
moveTo(int) - Method in class jline.console.history.MemoryHistory
Move to the specified index in the history
moveToEnd() - Method in class jline.console.ConsoleReader
moveToEnd() - Method in interface jline.console.history.History
moveToEnd() - Method in class jline.console.history.MemoryHistory
Move to the end of the history buffer.
moveToFirst() - Method in interface jline.console.history.History
moveToFirst() - Method in class jline.console.history.MemoryHistory
Moves the history index to the first entry.
moveToLast() - Method in interface jline.console.history.History
moveToLast() - Method in class jline.console.history.MemoryHistory
This moves the history to the last entry.


next() - Method in interface jline.console.history.History
next() - Method in class jline.console.history.MemoryHistory
Move the pointer to the next element in the buffer.
nextChar() - Method in class jline.console.CursorBuffer
NoInterruptUnixTerminal - Class in jline
Non-interruptible (via CTRL-C) UnixTerminal.
NoInterruptUnixTerminal() - Constructor for class jline.NoInterruptUnixTerminal
NonBlockingInputStream - Class in jline.internal
This class wraps a regular input stream and allows it to appear as if it is non-blocking; that is, reads can be performed against it that timeout if no data is seen for a period of time.
NonBlockingInputStream(InputStream, boolean) - Constructor for class jline.internal.NonBlockingInputStream
Creates a NonBlockingInputStream out of a normal blocking stream.
NONE - Static variable in class jline.TerminalFactory
NULL_MASK - Static variable in class jline.console.ConsoleReader
Nullable - Annotation Type in jline.internal
Marker for reference which can be a null value.
NullCompleter - Class in jline.console.completer
Null completer.
NullCompleter() - Constructor for class jline.console.completer.NullCompleter


OFF - Static variable in class jline.TerminalFactory
Operation - Enum in jline.console
List of all operations.
OSV - Static variable in class jline.TerminalFactory
OSvTerminal - Class in jline
Terminal that is used for OSv.
OSvTerminal() - Constructor for class jline.OSvTerminal


parseInfoCmp(String, Set<String>, Map<String, Integer>, Map<String, String>) - Static method in class jline.internal.InfoCmp
paste() - Method in class jline.console.ConsoleReader
Paste the contents of the clipboard into the console buffer
peek(long) - Method in class jline.internal.NonBlockingInputStream
Peeks to see if there is a byte waiting in the input stream without actually consuming the byte.
PersistentHistory - Interface in jline.console.history
Persistent History.
Preconditions - Class in jline.internal
Preconditions() - Constructor for class jline.internal.Preconditions
previous() - Method in interface jline.console.history.History
previous() - Method in class jline.console.history.MemoryHistory
Move the pointer to the previous element in the buffer.
print(CharSequence) - Method in class jline.console.ConsoleReader
Output the specified string to the output stream (but not the buffer).
printCandidates(ConsoleReader, Collection<CharSequence>) - Static method in class jline.console.completer.CandidateListCompletionHandler
Print out the candidates.
printColumns(Collection<? extends CharSequence>) - Method in class jline.console.ConsoleReader
Output the specified Collection in proper columns.
printCompletionCandidates() - Method in class jline.console.ConsoleReader
printForwardSearchStatus(String, String) - Method in class jline.console.ConsoleReader
println(CharSequence) - Method in class jline.console.ConsoleReader
println() - Method in class jline.console.ConsoleReader
Output a platform-dependant newline.
printSearchStatus(String, String) - Method in class jline.console.ConsoleReader
property - Static variable in class jline.console.internal.ConsoleRunner
purge() - Method in class jline.console.history.FileHistory
purge() - Method in interface jline.console.history.PersistentHistory
Purge persistent storage and History.clear().
putString(CharSequence) - Method in class jline.console.ConsoleReader
Write out the specified string to the buffer and the output stream.


read() - Method in class jline.internal.InputStreamReader
Reads a single character from this reader and returns it as an integer with the two higher-order bytes set to 0.
read(char[], int, int) - Method in class jline.internal.InputStreamReader
Reads at most length characters from this reader and stores them at position offset in the character array buf.
read() - Method in class jline.internal.NonBlockingInputStream
read(long) - Method in class jline.internal.NonBlockingInputStream
Attempts to read a character from the input stream for a specific period of time.
read(byte[], int, int) - Method in class jline.internal.NonBlockingInputStream
This version of read() is very specific to jline's purposes, it will always always return a single byte at a time, rather than filling the entire buffer.
readBinding(KeyMap) - Method in class jline.console.ConsoleReader
Read from the input stream and decode an operation from the key map.
readCharacter() - Method in class jline.console.ConsoleReader
Read a character from the console.
readCharacter(boolean) - Method in class jline.console.ConsoleReader
Read a character from the console.
readCharacter(char...) - Method in class jline.console.ConsoleReader
readCharacter(boolean, char...) - Method in class jline.console.ConsoleReader
readLine() - Method in class jline.console.ConsoleReader
Read the next line and return the contents of the buffer.
readLine(Character) - Method in class jline.console.ConsoleReader
Read the next line with the specified character mask.
readLine(String) - Method in class jline.console.ConsoleReader
readLine(String, Character) - Method in class jline.console.ConsoleReader
Read a line from the in InputStream, and return the line (without any trailing newlines).
readLine(String, Character, String) - Method in class jline.console.ConsoleReader
Read a line from the in InputStream, and return the line (without any trailing newlines).
ready() - Method in class jline.internal.InputStreamReader
Indicates whether this reader is ready to be read without blocking.
redrawLine() - Method in class jline.console.ConsoleReader
Clear the line and redraw it.
registerFlavor(TerminalFactory.Flavor, Class<? extends Terminal>) - Static method in class jline.TerminalFactory
remove(int) - Method in interface jline.console.history.History
Remove the history element at the given index.
remove(int) - Method in class jline.console.history.MemoryHistory
remove(ShutdownHooks.Task) - Static method in class jline.internal.ShutdownHooks
removeCompleter(Completer) - Method in class jline.console.ConsoleReader
Remove the specified Completer from the list of handlers for tab-completion.
removeFirst() - Method in interface jline.console.history.History
Remove the first element from history.
removeFirst() - Method in class jline.console.history.MemoryHistory
removeLast() - Method in interface jline.console.history.History
Remove the last element from history
removeLast() - Method in class jline.console.history.MemoryHistory
render(File, CharSequence) - Method in class jline.console.completer.FileNameCompleter
replace(CharSequence) - Method in interface jline.console.history.History
replace(CharSequence) - Method in class jline.console.history.MemoryHistory
reset() - Method in class jline.DefaultTerminal2
reset() - Static method in class jline.internal.Configuration
reset() - Method in interface jline.Terminal
reset() - Static method in class jline.TerminalFactory
reset() - Method in class jline.TerminalSupport
RESET_LINE - Static variable in class jline.console.ConsoleReader
resetIf(Terminal) - Static method in class jline.TerminalFactory
resetLastKill() - Method in class jline.console.KillRing
Resets the last-kill state.
resetLastYank() - Method in class jline.console.KillRing
Resets the last-yank state.
resetLine() - Method in class jline.console.ConsoleReader
Erase the current line.
resetPromptLine(String, String, int) - Method in class jline.console.ConsoleReader
Erases the current line with the existing prompt, then redraws the line with the provided prompt and buffer
restore() - Method in class jline.DefaultTerminal2
restore() - Method in class jline.internal.TerminalLineSettings
restore() - Method in class jline.NoInterruptUnixTerminal
restore() - Method in class jline.OSvTerminal
restore() - Method in interface jline.Terminal
restore() - Method in class jline.TerminalSupport
restore() - Method in class jline.UnixTerminal
Restore the original terminal configuration, which can be used when shutting down the console reader.
restore() - Method in class jline.WindowsTerminal
Restore the original terminal configuration, which can be used when shutting down the console reader.
restoreLine(String, int) - Method in class jline.console.ConsoleReader
run() - Method in class jline.internal.NonBlockingInputStream
run() - Method in interface jline.internal.ShutdownHooks.Task


searchBackwards(String, int) - Method in class jline.console.ConsoleReader
Search backward in history from a given position.
searchBackwards(String) - Method in class jline.console.ConsoleReader
Search backwards in history from the current position.
searchBackwards(String, int, boolean) - Method in class jline.console.ConsoleReader
searchForwards(String, int) - Method in class jline.console.ConsoleReader
Search forward in history from a given position.
searchForwards(String) - Method in class jline.console.ConsoleReader
Search forwards in history from the current position.
searchForwards(String, int, boolean) - Method in class jline.console.ConsoleReader
separator() - Method in class jline.console.completer.FileNameCompleter
set(int, CharSequence) - Method in interface jline.console.history.History
Set the history item at the given index to the given CharSequence.
set(int, CharSequence) - Method in class jline.console.history.MemoryHistory
set(String) - Method in class jline.internal.TerminalLineSettings
set(String...) - Method in class jline.internal.TerminalLineSettings
setAnsiSupported(boolean) - Method in class jline.TerminalSupport
setArgumentPosition(int) - Method in class jline.console.completer.ArgumentCompleter.ArgumentList
setArguments(String[]) - Method in class jline.console.completer.ArgumentCompleter.ArgumentList
setAutoprintThreshold(int) - Method in class jline.console.ConsoleReader
setAutoTrim(boolean) - Method in class jline.console.history.MemoryHistory
setBellEnabled(boolean) - Method in class jline.console.ConsoleReader
Set whether the console bell is enabled.
setBlinkMatchingParen(boolean) - Method in class jline.console.KeyMap
setBuffer(ConsoleReader, CharSequence, int) - Static method in class jline.console.completer.CandidateListCompletionHandler
setBufferPosition(int) - Method in class jline.console.completer.ArgumentCompleter.ArgumentList
setCommentBegin(String) - Method in class jline.console.ConsoleReader
Sets the string that will be used to start a comment when the insert-comment key is struck.
setCompletionHandler(CompletionHandler) - Method in class jline.console.ConsoleReader
setCopyPasteDetection(boolean) - Method in class jline.console.ConsoleReader
Enables or disables copy and paste detection.
setCursorArgumentIndex(int) - Method in class jline.console.completer.ArgumentCompleter.ArgumentList
setCursorPosition(int) - Method in class jline.console.ConsoleReader
Move the cursor position to the specified absolute index.
setDirectConsole(boolean) - Method in class jline.WindowsTerminal
Whether or not to allow the use of the JNI console interaction.
setEchoCharacter(Character) - Method in class jline.console.ConsoleReader
Set the echo character.
setEchoEnabled(boolean) - Method in class jline.DefaultTerminal2
setEchoEnabled(boolean) - Method in interface jline.Terminal
setEchoEnabled(boolean) - Method in class jline.TerminalSupport
setEchoEnabled(boolean) - Method in class jline.UnixTerminal
setEchoEnabled(boolean) - Method in class jline.WindowsTerminal
setEscapeChars(char[]) - Method in class jline.console.completer.ArgumentCompleter.AbstractArgumentDelimiter
setExpandEvents(boolean) - Method in class jline.console.ConsoleReader
setHandleLitteralNext(boolean) - Method in class jline.console.ConsoleReader
Set wether literal next are handled by JLine.
setHandleUserInterrupt(boolean) - Method in class jline.console.ConsoleReader
Set whether user interrupts (ctrl-C) are handled by having JLine throw UserInterruptException from ConsoleReader.readLine().
setHistory(History) - Method in class jline.console.ConsoleReader
setHistoryEnabled(boolean) - Method in class jline.console.ConsoleReader
Whether or not to add new commands to the history buffer.
setIgnoreDuplicates(boolean) - Method in class jline.console.history.MemoryHistory
setKeyMap(String) - Method in class jline.console.ConsoleKeys
setKeyMap(String) - Method in class jline.console.ConsoleReader
Sets the current keymap by name.
setKeys(KeyMap) - Method in class jline.console.ConsoleKeys
setMaxSize(int) - Method in class jline.console.history.MemoryHistory
setOutput(PrintStream) - Static method in class jline.internal.Log
setOverTyping(boolean) - Method in class jline.console.CursorBuffer
setPaginationEnabled(boolean) - Method in class jline.console.ConsoleReader
Whether to use pagination when the number of rows of candidates exceeds the height of the terminal.
setParenBlinkTimeout(int) - Method in class jline.console.ConsoleReader
setPrintSpaceAfterFullCompletion(boolean) - Method in class jline.console.completer.CandidateListCompletionHandler
setPrompt(String) - Method in class jline.console.ConsoleReader
setQuoteChars(char[]) - Method in class jline.console.completer.ArgumentCompleter.AbstractArgumentDelimiter
setStrict(boolean) - Method in class jline.console.completer.ArgumentCompleter
If true, a completion at argument index N will only succeed if all the completions from 0-(N-1) also succeed.
setStripAnsi(boolean) - Method in class jline.console.completer.CandidateListCompletionHandler
shutdown() - Method in class jline.console.ConsoleReader
shutdown() - Method in class jline.internal.NonBlockingInputStream
Shuts down the thread that is handling blocking I/O.
ShutdownHooks - Class in jline.internal
Manages the JLine shutdown-hook thread and tasks to execute on shutdown.
ShutdownHooks() - Constructor for class jline.internal.ShutdownHooks
ShutdownHooks.Task - Interface in jline.internal
Essentially a Runnable which allows running to throw an exception.
size() - Method in interface jline.console.history.History
size() - Method in class jline.console.history.MemoryHistory
StringsCompleter - Class in jline.console.completer
Completer for a set of strings.
StringsCompleter() - Constructor for class jline.console.completer.StringsCompleter
StringsCompleter(Collection<String>) - Constructor for class jline.console.completer.StringsCompleter
StringsCompleter(String...) - Constructor for class jline.console.completer.StringsCompleter
stripAnsi(String) - Static method in class jline.internal.Ansi
stty - Variable in class jline.OSvTerminal
sttyClass - Variable in class jline.OSvTerminal


TAB_WIDTH - Static variable in class jline.console.ConsoleReader
Terminal - Interface in jline
Representation of the input terminal for a platform.
Terminal2 - Interface in jline
Terminal extension.
TerminalFactory - Class in jline
Creates terminal instances.
TerminalFactory() - Constructor for class jline.TerminalFactory
TerminalFactory.Flavor - Enum in jline
TerminalFactory.Type - Enum in jline
TerminalLineSettings - Class in jline.internal
Provides access to terminal line settings via stty.
TerminalLineSettings() - Constructor for class jline.internal.TerminalLineSettings
TerminalLineSettings(String) - Constructor for class jline.internal.TerminalLineSettings
TerminalSupport - Class in jline
Provides support for Terminal instances.
TerminalSupport(boolean) - Constructor for class jline.TerminalSupport
TestAccessible - Annotation Type in jline.internal
Marker annotation for members which are exposed for testing access.
toString() - Method in class jline.console.completer.AggregateCompleter
toString() - Method in class jline.console.CursorBuffer
toString() - Method in class jline.console.history.MemoryHistory
tputs(Writer, String, Object...) - Static method in class jline.internal.Curses
Print the given terminal capabilities
TRACE - Static variable in class jline.internal.Log
trace(Object...) - Static method in class jline.internal.Log


undef(String) - Method in class jline.internal.TerminalLineSettings
UNIX - Static variable in class jline.TerminalFactory
UnixTerminal - Class in jline
Terminal that is used for unix platforms.
UnixTerminal() - Constructor for class jline.UnixTerminal
UnixTerminal(String) - Constructor for class jline.UnixTerminal
UnixTerminal(String, String) - Constructor for class jline.UnixTerminal
unMeta(char) - Static method in class jline.console.KeyMap
UnsupportedTerminal - Class in jline
An unsupported terminal.
UnsupportedTerminal() - Constructor for class jline.UnsupportedTerminal
UnsupportedTerminal(boolean, boolean) - Constructor for class jline.UnsupportedTerminal
upToCursor() - Method in class jline.console.CursorBuffer
Urls - Class in jline.internal
URL helpers.
Urls() - Constructor for class jline.internal.Urls
UserInterruptException - Exception in jline.console
This exception is thrown by ConsoleReader.readLine() when user interrupt handling is enabled and the user types the interrupt character (ctrl-C).
UserInterruptException(String) - Constructor for exception jline.console.UserInterruptException


value() - Method in interface jline.console.history.History.Entry
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum jline.console.Operation
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum jline.internal.Log.Level
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum jline.TerminalFactory.Flavor
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum jline.TerminalFactory.Type
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum jline.WindowsTerminal.ConsoleMode
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
values() - Static method in enum jline.console.Operation
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum jline.internal.Log.Level
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum jline.TerminalFactory.Flavor
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum jline.TerminalFactory.Type
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum jline.WindowsTerminal.ConsoleMode
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
VI_INSERT - Static variable in class jline.console.KeyMap
VI_MOVE - Static variable in class jline.console.KeyMap
viInsertion() - Static method in class jline.console.KeyMap
viMovement() - Static method in class jline.console.KeyMap


waitAndCapture(Process) - Static method in class jline.internal.TerminalLineSettings
warn(Object...) - Static method in class jline.internal.Log
WCWidth - Class in jline.console
WCWidth() - Constructor for class jline.console.WCWidth
wcwidth(int) - Static method in class jline.console.WCWidth
WhitespaceArgumentDelimiter() - Constructor for class jline.console.completer.ArgumentCompleter.WhitespaceArgumentDelimiter
WIN - Static variable in class jline.TerminalFactory
WINDOWS - Static variable in class jline.TerminalFactory
WindowsTerminal - Class in jline
Terminal implementation for Microsoft Windows.
WindowsTerminal() - Constructor for class jline.WindowsTerminal
WindowsTerminal.ConsoleMode - Enum in jline
Console mode

Constants copied wincon.h.

wrapInIfNeeded(InputStream) - Method in class jline.DefaultTerminal2
wrapInIfNeeded(InputStream) - Method in interface jline.Terminal
When using native support, return the InputStream to use for reading characters else return the input stream passed as a parameter.
wrapInIfNeeded(InputStream) - Method in class jline.TerminalSupport
wrapInIfNeeded(InputStream) - Method in class jline.WindowsTerminal
wrapOutIfNeeded(OutputStream) - Method in class jline.AnsiWindowsTerminal
wrapOutIfNeeded(OutputStream) - Method in class jline.DefaultTerminal2
wrapOutIfNeeded(OutputStream) - Method in interface jline.Terminal
When ANSI is not natively handled, the output will have to be wrapped.
wrapOutIfNeeded(OutputStream) - Method in class jline.TerminalSupport
Subclass to change behavior if needed.
write(char) - Method in class jline.console.CursorBuffer
Write the specific character into the buffer, setting the cursor position ahead one.
write(CharSequence) - Method in class jline.console.CursorBuffer
Insert the specified chars into the buffer, setting the cursor to the end of the insertion point.


yank() - Method in class jline.console.ConsoleReader
yank() - Method in class jline.console.KillRing
Yanks a previously killed text.
yankPop() - Method in class jline.console.ConsoleReader
yankPop() - Method in class jline.console.KillRing
Moves the pointer to the current slot back and returns the text in that position.
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