package hasher

  1. Alphabetic
  1. Public
  2. All

Type Members

  1. class Algo extends WithPlainText[Digest]

    A hashing algorithm

  2. trait BufferedTap extends Tap

    A tap that buffers the characters before writing to the digest

  3. trait Digest extends AnyRef

    The base class for a hashing algorithm

  4. class Foldable extends WithPlainText[Foldable]

    A class designed for accumulating the values in a hash using a fold.

    A class designed for accumulating the values in a hash using a fold.

    This class attempts to enforce ordered digest creation by rendering each instance unusable the each time you add a value. Adding a value then returns a new instance, which must be used for adding more data.

    Presenting an API like this allows for more efficient code, while still maintaining an outwardly immutable API. It also helps prevent race conditions by ensuring continued forward motion.

  5. case class Hash (bytes: Array[Byte]) extends Equals with Product with Serializable

    Represents a hash

  6. class Hasher extends WithAlgo[Digest]

    A helper for generating crypto hashes from a value

  7. class InputStreamTap extends InputStream with BufferedTap

    An InputStream that generates a hash

  8. trait MutableDigest extends Digest

    A digest that allows additional data to be added to it

  9. trait PlainText extends AnyRef

    The base class for plain text representations

  10. class ReaderTap extends Reader with Tap

    A Reader that generates a hash

  11. class SourceTap extends Source with BufferedTap

    Wraps a source and generates a Source as data flows through it

  12. trait Tap extends Digest

    A tap is a specialized digest that decorates streams

  13. trait WithAlgo [A] extends AnyRef

    A helper class for performing some operation with various algorithms

  14. trait WithPlainText [A] extends AnyRef

    Performs some operation using a plain text value

Value Members

  1. object Algo extends WithAlgo[Algo]

    Algo companion

  2. object Digest


  3. object Hash extends Serializable

    Companion for the Hash class

  4. object Hasher extends WithPlainText[Hasher]

    Helper methods for generating hashes

  5. object Implicits

    A list of implicit conversion methods
