
  • package root
    Definition Classes
  • package org
    Definition Classes
  • package scalajs
    Definition Classes
  • package dom
    Definition Classes
  • package ext
    Definition Classes
  • object KeyValue

    The KeyboardEvent.key attribute of an event must always contain one of these control key or character values (even if the value is 'Unidentified').

    The KeyboardEvent.key attribute of an event must always contain one of these control key or character values (even if the value is 'Unidentified').

    If the key represents one of the set of printable control characters which has a Unicode character entry, such as the tab key, the KeyboardEvent.key attribute must have the key value (e.g., 'Tab').

    Implementations that are unable to identify a key must use the key value 'Unidentified'.

    Taken from

    Definition Classes
  • Application
  • Device
  • IME
  • MediaControl
  • Multimedia



object MediaControl

Linear Supertypes
AnyRef, Any
  1. Alphabetic
  2. By Inheritance
  1. MediaControl
  2. AnyRef
  3. Any
  1. Hide All
  2. Show All
  1. Public
  2. All

Value Members

  1. final def !=(arg0: Any): Boolean
    Definition Classes
    AnyRef → Any
  2. final def ##(): Int
    Definition Classes
    AnyRef → Any
  3. final def ==(arg0: Any): Boolean
    Definition Classes
    AnyRef → Any
  4. final val AudioBalanceLeft: String("AudioBalanceLeft")

    Adjust audio balance leftward.

    Adjust audio balance leftward. (VK_AUDIO_BALANCE_LEFT)

  5. final val AudioBalanceRight: String("AudioBalanceRight")

    Adjust audio balance rightward.

    Adjust audio balance rightward. (VK_AUDIO_BALANCE_RIGHT)

  6. final val AudioBassBoostDown: String("AudioBassBoostDown")

    Decrease audio bass boost or cycle down through bass boost states.

    Decrease audio bass boost or cycle down through bass boost states. (VK_BASS_BOOST_DOWN)

  7. final val AudioBassBoostUp: String("AudioBassBoostUp")

    Increase audio bass boost or cycle up through bass boost states.

    Increase audio bass boost or cycle up through bass boost states. (VK_BASS_BOOST_UP)

  8. final val AudioFaderFront: String("AudioFaderFront")

    Adjust audio fader towards front.

    Adjust audio fader towards front. (VK_FADER_FRONT)

  9. final val AudioFaderRear: String("AudioFaderRear")

    Adjust audio fader towards rear.

    Adjust audio fader towards rear. (VK_FADER_REAR)

  10. final val AudioSurroundModeNext: String("AudioSurroundModeNext")

    Advance surround audio mode to next available mode.

    Advance surround audio mode to next available mode. (VK_SURROUND_MODE_NEXT)

  11. final val ChannelDown: String("ChannelDown")

    Select next (numerically or logically) lower channel.

    Select next (numerically or logically) lower channel. (VK_CHANNEL_DOWN)

  12. final val ChannelUp: String("ChannelUp")

    Select next (numerically or logically) higher channel.

    Select next (numerically or logically) higher channel. (VK_CHANNEL_UP)

  13. final val ClosedCaptionToggle: String("ClosedCaptionToggle")

    Toggle the display of Closed Captions.

    Toggle the display of Closed Captions. (VK_CC)

  14. final val ColorF0Red: String("ColorF0Red")

    General purpose color-coded media function key, as index 0 (red).

    General purpose color-coded media function key, as index 0 (red). (VK_COLORED_KEY_0)

  15. final val ColorF1Green: String("ColorF1Green")

    General purpose color-coded media function key, as index 1 (green).

    General purpose color-coded media function key, as index 1 (green). (VK_COLORED_KEY_1)

  16. final val ColorF2Yellow: String("ColorF2Yellow")

    General purpose color-coded media function key, as index 2 (yellow).

    General purpose color-coded media function key, as index 2 (yellow). (VK_COLORED_KEY_2)

  17. final val ColorF3Blue: String("ColorF3Blue")

    General purpose color-coded media function key, as index 3 (blue).

    General purpose color-coded media function key, as index 3 (blue). (VK_COLORED_KEY_3)

  18. final val ColorF4Grey: String("ColorF4Grey")

    General purpose color-coded media function key, as index 4 (grey).

    General purpose color-coded media function key, as index 4 (grey). (VK_COLORED_KEY_4)

  19. final val ColorF5Brown: String("ColorF5Brown")

    General purpose color-coded media function key, as index 5 (brown).

    General purpose color-coded media function key, as index 5 (brown). (VK_COLORED_KEY_5)

  20. final val Dimmer: String("Dimmer")

    Adjust brightness of device, by toggling between or cycling through states.

    Adjust brightness of device, by toggling between or cycling through states. (VK_DIMMER)

  21. final val DisplaySwap: String("DisplaySwap")

    Swap video sources.

    Swap video sources. (VK_DISPLAY_SWAP)

  22. final val Exit: String("Exit")

    Exit the current application.

    Exit the current application. (VK_EXIT)

  23. final val FavoriteClear0: String("FavoriteClear0")

    Clear program or content stored as favorite 0.

    Clear program or content stored as favorite 0. (VK_CLEAR_FAVORITE_0)

  24. final val FavoriteClear1: String("FavoriteClear1")

    Clear program or content stored as favorite 1.

    Clear program or content stored as favorite 1. (VK_CLEAR_FAVORITE_1)

  25. final val FavoriteClear2: String("FavoriteClear2")

    Clear program or content stored as favorite 2.

    Clear program or content stored as favorite 2. (VK_CLEAR_FAVORITE_2)

  26. final val FavoriteClear3: String("FavoriteClear3")

    Clear program or content stored as favorite 3.

    Clear program or content stored as favorite 3. (VK_CLEAR_FAVORITE_3)

  27. final val FavoriteRecall0: String("FavoriteRecall0")

    Select (recall) program or content stored as favorite 0.

    Select (recall) program or content stored as favorite 0. (VK_RECALL_FAVORITE_0)

  28. final val FavoriteRecall1: String("FavoriteRecall1")

    Select (recall) program or content stored as favorite 1.

    Select (recall) program or content stored as favorite 1. (VK_RECALL_FAVORITE_1)

  29. final val FavoriteRecall2: String("FavoriteRecall2")

    Select (recall) program or content stored as favorite 2.

    Select (recall) program or content stored as favorite 2. (VK_RECALL_FAVORITE_2)

  30. final val FavoriteRecall3: String("FavoriteRecall3")

    Select (recall) program or content stored as favorite 3.

    Select (recall) program or content stored as favorite 3. (VK_RECALL_FAVORITE_3)

  31. final val FavoriteStore0: String("FavoriteStore0")

    Store current program or content as favorite 0.

    Store current program or content as favorite 0. (VK_STORE_FAVORITE_0)

  32. final val FavoriteStore1: String("FavoriteStore1")

    Store current program or content as favorite 1.

    Store current program or content as favorite 1. (VK_STORE_FAVORITE_1)

  33. final val FavoriteStore2: String("FavoriteStore2")

    Store current program or content as favorite 2.

    Store current program or content as favorite 2. (VK_STORE_FAVORITE_2)

  34. final val FavoriteStore3: String("FavoriteStore3")

    Store current program or content as favorite 3.

    Store current program or content as favorite 3. (VK_STORE_FAVORITE_3)

  35. final val Guide: String("Guide")

    Toggle display of program or content guide.

    Toggle display of program or content guide. (VK_GUIDE)

  36. final val GuideNextDay: String("GuideNextDay")

    If guide is active and displayed, then display next day's content.

    If guide is active and displayed, then display next day's content. (VK_NEXT_DAY)

  37. final val GuidePreviousDay: String("GuidePreviousDay")

    If guide is active and displayed, then display previous day's content.

    If guide is active and displayed, then display previous day's content. (VK_PREV_DAY)

  38. final val Info: String("Info")

    Toggle display of information about currently selected context or media.

    Toggle display of information about currently selected context or media. (VK_INFO)

  39. final val InstantReplay: String("InstantReplay")

    Toggle instant replay.

    Toggle instant replay. (VK_INSTANT_REPLAY)

  40. final val Link: String("Link")

    Launch linked content, if available and appropriate.

    Launch linked content, if available and appropriate. (VK_LINK)

  41. final val ListProgram: String("ListProgram")

    List the current program.

    List the current program. (VK_LIST)

  42. final val LiveContent: String("LiveContent")

    Toggle display listing of currently available live content or programs.

    Toggle display listing of currently available live content or programs. (VK_LIVE)

  43. final val Lock: String("Lock")

    Lock or unlock current content or program.

    Lock or unlock current content or program. (VK_LOCK)

  44. final val MediaApps: String("MediaApps")

    Show a list of media applications.

    Show a list of media applications. (VK_APPS)

    Note: Do not confuse this key value with the Windows' VK_APPS / VK_CONTEXT_MENU key, which is encoded as 'ContextMenu'.

  45. final val MediaFastForward: String("MediaFastForward")

    Initiate or continue forward playback at faster than normal speed, or increase speed if already fast forwarding.

    Initiate or continue forward playback at faster than normal speed, or increase speed if already fast forwarding. (VK_FAST_FWD)

  46. final val MediaLast: String("MediaLast")

    Select previously selected channel or media.

    Select previously selected channel or media. (VK_LAST)

  47. final val MediaPause: String("MediaPause")

    Pause the currently playing media.

    Pause the currently playing media. (VK_PAUSE)

    Note: Media controller devices should use this value rather than 'Pause' for their pause keys.

  48. final val MediaPlay: String("MediaPlay")

    Initiate or continue media playback at normal speed, if not currently playing at normal speed.

    Initiate or continue media playback at normal speed, if not currently playing at normal speed. (VK_PLAY)

  49. final val MediaRecord: String("MediaRecord")

    Initiate or resume recording of currently selected media.

    Initiate or resume recording of currently selected media. (VK_RECORD)

  50. final val MediaRewind: String("MediaRewind")

    Initiate or continue reverse playback at faster than normal speed, or increase speed if already rewinding.

    Initiate or continue reverse playback at faster than normal speed, or increase speed if already rewinding. (VK_REWIND)

  51. final val MediaSkip: String("MediaSkip")

    Skip forward to next content or program.

    Skip forward to next content or program. (VK_SKIP)

  52. final val NextFavoriteChannel: String("NextFavoriteChannel")

    Cycle to next favorite channel (in favorites list).

    Cycle to next favorite channel (in favorites list). (VK_NEXT_FAVORITE_CHANNEL)

  53. final val NextUserProfile: String("NextUserProfile")

    Cycle to next user profile (if there are multiple user profiles).

    Cycle to next user profile (if there are multiple user profiles). (VK_USER)

  54. final val OnDemand: String("OnDemand")

    Access on-demand content or programs.

    Access on-demand content or programs. (VK_ON_DEMAND)

  55. final val PinPDown: String("PinPDown")

    Move picture-in-picture window down.

    Move picture-in-picture window down. (VK_PINP_DOWN)

  56. final val PinPMove: String("PinPMove")

    Move picture-in-picture window.

    Move picture-in-picture window. (VK_PINP_MOVE)

  57. final val PinPToggle: String("PinPToggle")

    Toggle display of picture-in-picture window.

    Toggle display of picture-in-picture window. (VK_PINP_TOGGLE)

  58. final val PinPUp: String("PinPUp")

    Move picture-in-picture window up.

    Move picture-in-picture window up. (VK_PINP_UP)

  59. final val PlaySpeedDown: String("PlaySpeedDown")

    Decrease media playback speed.

    Decrease media playback speed. (VK_PLAY_SPEED_DOWN)

  60. final val PlaySpeedReset: String("PlaySpeedReset")

    Reset playback to normal speed.

    Reset playback to normal speed. (VK_PLAY_SPEED_RESET)

  61. final val PlaySpeedUp: String("PlaySpeedUp")

    Increase media playback speed.

    Increase media playback speed. (VK_PLAY_SPEED_UP)

  62. final val RandomToggle: String("RandomToggle")

    Toggle random media or content shuffle mode.

    Toggle random media or content shuffle mode. (VK_RANDOM_TOGGLE)

  63. final val RcLowBattery: String("RcLowBattery")

    Not a physical key, but this key code is sent when the remote control battery is low.

    Not a physical key, but this key code is sent when the remote control battery is low. (VK_RC_LOW_BATTERY)

  64. final val RecordSpeedNext: String("RecordSpeedNext")

    Toggle or cycle between media recording speeds.

    Toggle or cycle between media recording speeds. (VK_RECORD_SPEED_NEXT)

  65. final val RfBypass: String("RfBypass")

    Toggle RF (radio frequency) input bypass mode (pass RF input directly to the RF output).

    Toggle RF (radio frequency) input bypass mode (pass RF input directly to the RF output). (VK_RF_BYPASS)

  66. final val ScanChannelsToggle: String("ScanChannelsToggle")

    Toggle scan channels mode.

    Toggle scan channels mode. (VK_SCAN_CHANNELS_TOGGLE)

  67. final val ScreenModeNext: String("ScreenModeNext")

    Advance display screen mode to next available mode.

    Advance display screen mode to next available mode. (VK_SCREEN_MODE_NEXT)

  68. final val Settings: String("Settings")

    Toggle display of device settings screen.

    Toggle display of device settings screen. (VK_SETTINGS)

  69. final val SplitScreenToggle: String("SplitScreenToggle")

    Toggle split screen mode.

    Toggle split screen mode. (VK_SPLIT_SCREEN_TOGGLE)

  70. final val Subtitle: String("Subtitle")

    Toggle display of subtitles, if available.

    Toggle display of subtitles, if available. (VK_SUBTITLE)

  71. final val Teletext: String("Teletext")

    Toggle display of teletext, if available (VK_TELETEXT).

  72. final val VideoModeNext: String("VideoModeNext")

    Advance video mode to next available mode.(VK_VIDEO_MODE_NEXT)

  73. final val Wink: String("Wink")

    Cause device to identify itself in some manner, e.g., audibly or visibly.

    Cause device to identify itself in some manner, e.g., audibly or visibly. (VK_WINK)

  74. final val ZoomToggle: String("ZoomToggle")

    Toggle between full-screen and scaled content, or alter magnification level.

    Toggle between full-screen and scaled content, or alter magnification level. (VK_ZOOM)

  75. final def asInstanceOf[T0]: T0
    Definition Classes
  76. def clone(): AnyRef
    Definition Classes
    @throws( ... ) @native()
  77. final def eq(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean
    Definition Classes
  78. def equals(arg0: Any): Boolean
    Definition Classes
    AnyRef → Any
  79. def finalize(): Unit
    Definition Classes
    @throws( classOf[java.lang.Throwable] )
  80. final def getClass(): Class[_]
    Definition Classes
    AnyRef → Any
  81. def hashCode(): Int
    Definition Classes
    AnyRef → Any
  82. final def isInstanceOf[T0]: Boolean
    Definition Classes
  83. final def ne(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean
    Definition Classes
  84. final def notify(): Unit
    Definition Classes
  85. final def notifyAll(): Unit
    Definition Classes
  86. final def synchronized[T0](arg0: ⇒ T0): T0
    Definition Classes
  87. def toString(): String
    Definition Classes
    AnyRef → Any
  88. final def wait(): Unit
    Definition Classes
    @throws( ... )
  89. final def wait(arg0: Long, arg1: Int): Unit
    Definition Classes
    @throws( ... )
  90. final def wait(arg0: Long): Unit
    Definition Classes
    @throws( ... ) @native()

Inherited from AnyRef

Inherited from Any
