
package rts

The eventual ZIO runtime hosting application code (AppRuntime) is constructed incrementally from:

  1. runtime provided by ZIO 2. runtime extended with environment required of host process: HostRuntime, HostIO. 3. runtime extended with environment required of a server node: ServerRuntime, ServerIO 4. runtime extended with environment required by all application domains: AppRuntime, AppIO

The AppRuntime is the base runtime available to the actor system via AppRuntimeExt.

Linear Supertypes
  1. Grouped
  2. Alphabetic
  3. By Inheritance
  1. rts
  2. AnyRef
  3. Any
  1. Hide All
  2. Show All
  1. Public
  2. All

Type Members

  1. final type AkkaSharedRuntime = Runtime[zio.ZEnv]
  2. final case class GuiceInjector(fromBindings: ImpureBindings) extends ImpureInjector with Product with Serializable
  3. sealed trait ImpureBindings extends AnyRef

    Bindings from types to value.

    Bindings from types to value. Accessible via ImpureInjector. Construct by extending ImpureBindings$.Module.

  4. trait ImpureInjector extends AnyRef

    Summon an instance for the given type that was added using ImpureBindings.

    Summon an instance for the given type that was added using ImpureBindings.

    Considered "impure" as instance is partial: Attempting to summon an instance which has not been previously bound will throw an exception.

  5. final class ImpureInjectorExt extends Extension
  6. final type ServerConfig = Has[Service]
  7. final type ServerEnvironment = Blocking with Clock with Logging with Random with System with ServerConfig with InjectorProvider
  8. type ServerIO[+E, +A] = ZIO[ServerEnvironment, E, A]

  9. type ServerRuntime = Runtime[ServerEnvironment]
  10. type ServerTask[+A] = ZIO[ServerEnvironment, Throwable, A]

  11. type ServerUIO[+A] = ZIO[ServerEnvironment, Nothing, A]

  12. sealed trait ZIORuntimeBinder extends AnyRef
  13. final class ZIORuntimeExt extends Extension
  14. class ZIOSharedExecutorConfigurator extends ExecutorServiceConfigurator

Inherited from AnyRef

Inherited from Any

Service Logic

Implementation Detail
