Package com.github.fge.msgsimple.provider

Message source provider interface and implementations


Interface Summary
MessageSourceLoader Load a message source for a given locale
MessageSourceProvider Provider for one message source, according to a given locale

Class Summary
LoadingMessageSourceProvider A caching, on-demand loading message source provider with configurable expiry
LoadingMessageSourceProvider.Builder Builder class for a LoadingMessageSourceProvider
StaticMessageSourceProvider Static message source provider
StaticMessageSourceProvider.Builder Builder for a StaticMessageSourceProvider

Package com.github.fge.msgsimple.provider Description

Message source provider interface and implementations

A MessageSourceProvider associates MessageSources with locales.

Two implementations are provided: one with static mappings, another doing on demand loading. The latter requires that you provide an implementation of MessageSourceLoader. You can customize the expiration delay (or no expiration at all) and the load timeout. The default values are respectively 10 minutes and 5 seconds.