Package akka.protobuf

Interface DescriptorProtos.MethodDescriptorProtoOrBuilder

    • Method Detail

      • hasName

        boolean hasName()
        optional string name = 1;
      • getName

        java.lang.String getName()
        optional string name = 1;
      • getNameBytes

        ByteString getNameBytes()
        optional string name = 1;
      • hasInputType

        boolean hasInputType()
        optional string input_type = 2;
         Input and output type names.  These are resolved in the same way as
         FieldDescriptorProto.type_name, but must refer to a message type.
      • getInputType

        java.lang.String getInputType()
        optional string input_type = 2;
         Input and output type names.  These are resolved in the same way as
         FieldDescriptorProto.type_name, but must refer to a message type.
      • getInputTypeBytes

        ByteString getInputTypeBytes()
        optional string input_type = 2;
         Input and output type names.  These are resolved in the same way as
         FieldDescriptorProto.type_name, but must refer to a message type.
      • hasOutputType

        boolean hasOutputType()
        optional string output_type = 3;
      • getOutputType

        java.lang.String getOutputType()
        optional string output_type = 3;
      • getOutputTypeBytes

        ByteString getOutputTypeBytes()
        optional string output_type = 3;
      • hasOptions

        boolean hasOptions()
        optional .google.protobuf.MethodOptions options = 4;